Реагент антитела IgA для иммуногистохимии

Реагент антитела IgA для иммуногистохимии

IHC-антитело --IgA

  • Положительный контроль:

  • Сотовая локализация:

  • Приложение:

  • Вторичное антитело:

  • Спецификация/мл:


Product name

IHC Antibody --IgA

Packing specification






0.1ml, 0.2ml, 1ml, 1.5ml, 3ml, 6ml, 11ml, 30ml



0.1ml0.2ml, 1ml, 1.5ml3ml6ml11ml30ml



0.1ml0.2ml, 1ml, 1.5ml3ml6ml11ml30ml



0.1ml0.2ml, 1ml, 1.5ml3ml6ml11ml30ml

Intended use

For Research use only. IgA Antibody reagent is intended for use to qualitatively identify IgA by microscopy in sections of FFPE tissue using immunohistochemical detection system.


Immunoglobulin A (IgA) is a glycosylated protein of 160 kDa. It is produced as a monomer or as a J chain linked dimer. Monomeric IgA constitutes 5-15 % of the serum immunoglobulins whereas dimeric IgA is localized to mucosa surfaces such as saliva, gastrointestinal secretion, bronchial fluids and milk. Mucosal IgA plays a major role in host defence by neutralising infectious agents at mucosal surfaces. Add the primary antibody to bind the antigen on tissue sections, and then use HRP labeled secondary antibody binding primary antibody to form the secondary antibody-primary antibody-antigen complex. When DAB chromogenic solution is added, HRP reacts with enzyme substrate to produce brown insoluble reaction product, which indirectly indicating the existence of antigen. 

Main components

Immunoglobulin, antibody diluent


Store at 2~8℃ for 18 months

Sample requirements

FFPE tissues are usually cut into sections as thin as 35μm with a microtome. These sections are then mounted onto glass slides that are coated with a tissue adhesive.


1. Sample preparationDeparaffinize the slides in xylene , , Ⅲ for 5 minutesTransfer the slides once through 100%, 100%, 95%, 75% alcohols for 2 minutes respectively. Rinse slides with deionized water for 30 seconds.

2BlockingBlock endogenous peroxidase activity by incubating sections in 3% H2O2 solution at room temperature for 5 minutes to block endogenous peroxidase activity. Rinse the slides with deionized water for 30 seconds.

3Antigen retrievalHeat the EDTA Antigen retrieval buffer to 100. Then place the slides in the boiled buffer and continue to heat for 1520 min. Naturally cool down for 30 minutes. Rinse the sample with wash buffer.

4Primary antibody incubation: Drain the slides. Add primary antibody to tissue, incubate at room temperature for 30 minutes. (use antibody diluent or PBS as control). Wash the slides in PBST for 2 times, 5 minutes for each time. If the Primary antibody is concentrated, please dilute it to RTU(ready to use) according to the information on packing. 

5. Secondary antibody: Drain the slides. Add secondary antibody to tissue and incubate at room temperature for 20 minutes. Wash the slides in PBST for 2 times, 5 minutes for each time.

6. DABDrain the slides. Add DAB to the tissue and incubate at room temperature for 5 min. Rinse slides with deionized water.

7. Hematoxylin stainingDrain the slides. Add Hematoxylin to the tissue and incubate at room temperature for 5 minutes. Rinse slides with water. Use the acid solution for differentiation. Rinse slides with water.

8. DehydrateDehydrate the slides in 75%, 95%, 100% alcohols for 2 minutes. Dry the slides. Cover stained tissue with a coverslip using mounting medium.

Positive localization

1. Positive localization: cytoplasm.

2. Positive control: tonsil.


1. Please read the instruction carefully and become familiar with all components of the kit prior to use, Strictly follow the instruction during operation.

2.  НЕ используйте комплект или какой-либо компонент комплекта после их замены.

3.  Только обученные специалисты могут использовать этот комплект. Пожалуйста, надевайте подходящий лабораторный халат и одноразовые перчатки при работе с реагентами.

4.  Избегать попадания химикатов на кожу, глаза и слизистые оболочки.

5.  НЕ пипетировать ртом.

6.  Неиспользованные реагенты, использованный набор и отходы необходимо утилизировать в соответствии с местным законодательством.

Производитель _

Название компании: Xiamen Talent Biomedical Technology Co., Ltd.

Адрес: 3 -й и 4-й этажи, здание B10, № 2068 Wengjiao Road West, BioMedical Park, Haicang District, Xiamen City, 36100 China.

Тел: +86 592 6315755            

Электронная почта : tlsw@talentbiomedical.com                

сайт : www.talentbiomedical.com


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